Corporate Governance at
PT Sequis Aset Manajemen
The application of the principles of Good Corporate Governance at PT Sequis Aset Manajemen (SQAM) is expected to increase the value and long-term business growth in a sustainable manner not only for Shareholders but also for all other Stakeholders.
The responsibility for managing the Company rests with the Board of Directors under the supervision of the Board of Commissioners, each appointed by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
In carrying out their duties and responsibilities, the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners are guided by, among others, are:
- Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies;
- Bapepam-LK Regulation No.V.A.3, Attachment to Decree of the Chairman of Bapepam-LK No: KEP-479 / BL / 29 concerning Licensing of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as Investment Managers;
- OJK Regulation No.24 / POJK.04 / 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Investment Manager Functions;
- OJK Regulation No.27 / POJK.03 / 2016 concerning the Fit and Proper Test for Main Parties of Financial Services Institutions;
- OJK Regulation No.10 / POJK.04 / 2018 concerning Implementation of Investment Manager Governance;
- Deed of Establishment No. 47 dated January 20, 2015 drawn up before Rudi Siswanto, SH, Notary in Jakarta.
The following are all changes and / or implementing regulations.
Board of Commissioner
The company must have at least 2 (two) members of the Board of Commissioners, of which 1 (one) is an Independent Commissioner. Members of the Board of Commissioners are appointed by the Shareholders at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). The Board of Commissioners is in charge of supervising the management of the Company directed by the Board of Directors, providing advice to the Board of Directors and carrying out work whose duties and authorities that have been specified in the Articles of Association of the Company. The Board of Commissioners holds a meeting at least 1 (one) time every 3 (three) months or every time deemed necessary.
Board of Directors
The company must have at least 2 (two) members of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is appointed and dismissed by the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). The Board of Directors is in charge of running and being responsible for the management of the company for the benefit of the company in accordance with the company's goals and objectives as stipulated in the articles of association in good faith, prudence and full of responsibility.
The Board of Directors has the right to represent the Company inside and outside the court, regarding all matters and in all events, binding the Company with other parties and other parties with the Company, and carrying out all actions, both regarding management and ownership, but with restrictions as specified in Articles of Association of the Company.
The Board of Directors holds a meeting at least 1 (one) time every 2 (two) months or every time deemed necessary. Meeting decisions are made based on mutual agreement to reach consensus or in accordance with the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association.
Risk Management, Compliance and Internal Audit
The implementation of risk management, compliance and internal audit functions is coordinated by a coordinator who has a direct reporting line to the Board of Commissioners and the President Director. This function acts independently and has unrestricted access to other Investment Manager functions.
- The risk management function is responsible for, among others, monitoring and periodically reviewing the implementation of Risk Management strategies, monitoring the overall risk position and implementing Risk Management effectively in accordance with the size and complexity of the Investment Manager's business.
- The Compliance function is responsible for, among others, ensuring the compliance of the Investment Manager with applicable laws and regulations as well as ensuring the implementation of a business continuity plan in accordance with the policies set by the company.
- The Internal Audit function is responsible for, among other things, planning, controlling and recording all internal audit activities and preparing internal audit reports to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners.
Standards of Business Conduct
SQAM's standards of business conduct outline the ethics and professional responsibilities of all employees. By adopting and enforcing the Code of Ethics, the Company demonstrates its commitment to ethical business conduct and protection of customer interests. PT Sequis Aset Manajemen's Standard of Business Conduct consists of the following core values:
Security |
We strive to provide financial security and stability to all our stakeholders, shareholders, policyholders, employees and our partners.
Problem Solving
Quality Orientation
Result Orientation
Ensure Timeliness & Accuracy
Create Improvement
Find Solution
Plan & Prioritize
Empowerment |
We guide and develop our employees to be leaders in their own areas by creating a sense of ownership and accountability.
Follow Through
Accept Accountability
Delegate & Monitor
Make Decision & Responsible for his / her mistake
Quest for knowledge |
We keep ourselves updated of the current industry practices and trends.
Application of Knowledge
Open to Feedback
Passion to Learn
Share Knowledge/Skill
Updated with information
Open for Ideas
Integrity |
We practice honesty, openness, trustworthiness when dealing with others and ourselves.
Work Ethics
Credible to Manage Confidential Data
Attendance (Punctuality & Absence)
Service Excellence |
In everything we do, we are committed to deliver the best value to exceed expectations of our internal and external customers.
Customer Focus
Quick Response
Compliance to Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Sincere & Accept Feedback from Customer